The Consortium was born in 2006 as the Central Asia Export Consortium, and in 2014, after having broadened its commercial
horizons to other areas of the CIS, changed its name into “Italy Europe Asia Export Consortium”, acronym “IEA Export Consortium”.
It was born and developed as a tool of excellence at the service of Italian export in the Caspian and Central-Asian area and in
Eastern Europe.
It has multi-sector nature and unites medium and small businesses. The pillars on which the Consortium activity is
based are as follows:
1.Informing the members
2. Searching for new customers and/or distributors for them.
With regard to the former, the Consortium supports “Eurasian Business Dispatch”, the first Italian newsletter of economic news of
the Caspian and Central-Asian area, written by the main Italian experts in the economy of the region and hosted on our site.
An even more important activity for the Consortium is searching for new customers, distributors and partners for our members.
This activity is carried out jointly with the leading local companies or/and organizations, which are chosen after a long
selection process and have a considerable experience in the import/export sphere.